The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

By the time Sam left Penn State, he had spent one third of his life in State College, earning both a BS and Ph.D in Geochemistry at PSU. He considers those nine years some of the best with no regrets. After leaving State College in 1966 Sam traveled to East Lansing with his new (Canadian)bride, Margery, to take a teaching position as an Assistant Professor at Michigan State University where he taught geochemistry and groundwater geology in the Department of Geology. In 1968 he finally earned his Ph.D in Geochemistry. In 1969 he accepted a teaching position at The University of Wisconsin, where he taught and conducted research on the origin of hydrothermal mineral deposits. In the meantime was born a beautiful daughter, Susan (1969) and a beautiful son Timothy (1972). In 1974 Sam accepted a teaching position at The Colorado School of Mines where he has been ever since, and presently holds the title of Emeritus Professor of Geology. He also did a stretch as the Dean of Graduate Studies at CSM. Over the past 35 years Sam has worked and published on many facets of the minerals industry, including environmental issues. He still remains professionally active in the nuclear field, where he helps train uranium geologists; yes, after 40+ years of teaching it is difficult to retire. Both children are married, and Sam has two grandsons from Tim, Sam and Willie.